Thursday, January 1, 2009

Self-less Victory

Life is full of new beginnings. Yesterday is gone and tomorrow is still undiscovered.

May you be able to reach the goals that you've been working on for awhile. Sometimes the victories over things that we've been challenged with to work our hardest are the sweetest.

This time of year people make resolutions that may be broken all too soon because of unrealistic high expectations. And sometimes our goals are too low to mean anything at all.

Maybe this year we can be part of helping someone else achieve a goal that they've been working on for a good while. Doing so moves our focus from selfish to self-less.

When you think of all the resolutions that you've broken, how many of them would you have been able to succeed at had you gotten the support you needed? Think about it, really. If we help each other...Oh, the sweet victories we'd have!

Have a great year in 2009!

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