Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Poll #3 and Results

Poll #3 was a basic question: Are you a vegetarian? (poll taken June 15th -June 30th, 2008)

Out of the 25 voters, these were the responses:

4 - Yes (16%)

16 - No (64%)

5 - Not yet, but want to (20%)

I wanted to see who my readers are. I found out that most of you are not vegetarian. This I expected. And certainly everyone is welcome. I hope to teach and to learn through this outlet.

There are a few of you who are vegetarian. To you, I say thanks for checking out one more "veggie" who may have something to offer you too. I welcome your comments and additions, corrections, and topics you may want to see addressed here.

The "not yet, but want to" crowd are very welcome here. I invite you to comment, ask questions or email Vegan Footprints at the email address on the side bar if you want more information. I will be more than happy to help you if I can. Sometimes I forget what it was like to start out on this path. So remind me by commenting and asking questions please.

Thanks to everyone who took a minute to vote on this poll. Please keep reading. Please feel free to give me your ideas for future posts or topics to be considered for me to research.

1 comment:

Nicole said...

What do you suggest someone who wants to eat vegetarian but has a family who does not do? Myself and my daughter love to eat vegetarian however my son and husband insist on eating meat. If I do not cook they do not eat so I have to cook for them. I have gotten them down to only two or three meat meals a week (they formerly thought you had to eat meat at every meal or it was not a real meal.) Even though I do not eat the meat I hate buying and cooking it. How would you handle this?