Saturday, October 23, 2021

A True Friend is a Blessing Forever... and A Note About Tidying Up & Peace of Mind

 I am inspired today to write after a day of rest. In our home, Shabbat Shalom is a greeting and blessing. 

Today we had nothing planned. In fact, something this morning I thought I needed to do, was not happening after all and I found my day laid bare of any responsibilities, as it should be on such a day. I was glad for the breather really. Soon after I dressed and was in the kitchen making myself a smoothie on this fine day, a friend called. Because of this call, we had a wonderful visit with them for a number of hours, just chatting and enjoying catching up. 

This visit happened to be in our home. I only mention this because I must confess something. I am a procrastinator when it comes to inviting others to come to our home. I'm still learning how to do it well and without reservation or anxiety. This was a close friend and is always welcome. In fact, we were exceptionally excited they reached out to us, especially on their way here. On short notice and all. 

There are a few things I want to note here today. First of all, we had prepared our home yesterday for Shabbat (Sabbath), mainly because our son joins us almost every Friday evening. He comes after a long day at work for a late supper and fellowship before he heads home. While I wasn't always prepared like this every Friday evening, this time we were in good shape. And by that I mean not perfect, but tidy and dishes done. My dusting isn't up to par yet, but nonetheless, things were put away mostly. Our home has what you might call a "lived in" feeling that yes, indeed, a family really lives here. 

On occasion, I have heard those visit say that our home helps them to relax and feel at home in a tidy place, to paraphrase. You see, I grew up in a home that wasn't always to the standard that my mother was comfortable. In fact, very few of my friends probably even came to my home growing up. It wasn't bad, but it was not what my mother thought others would like. She was very anxious about others in her home and didn't feel the decor or amount of stuff in her home was picture perfect. She was worried what others would think.

My anxiety as an adult has always been lessened when I put things away or just had fewer things to take care of. Many people may see that as a leaning toward minimalism. Call it whatever you want. I like to call it peace of mind, sanity, a margin if you will. My mind finds clarity, peace and so much more when I have things in order. 

My stove might be clean on top, but I'm not perfect when it comes to wiping out my oven as much as I'd like. Or that dusting I told you about... Oh, and my desk! Well, let's just say it's "lived in". 

I don't say it to boast, but rather to mention that I have learned ways to adapt my surroundings so my mind can rest. Today, was a rather light day and it was made easy and enjoyable by our friend coming to visit. They were a blessing to me today. And it doesn't hurt to prepare for anything, come what may. Blessings and all. 

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